Choose your private key:


5974818946285 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000

1.1 Private key:

1.2 Public key:

1.3 Private key(hex):

1.4 Public key(hex):

2.1 Private key(hex): PK0 =

2.2 Add "0x80" to the head of PK0: PK1 =

2.3 SHA-256(PK1): PK2 =

2.4 SHA-256(PK2): PK3 =

2.5 Checksum(first 8 hexadecimal digits/4 bytes of PK3):

2.6 Add Checksum to the tail of PK1: PK4 =

2.7 Base58 encoding of PK4: WIF =

3.1 Public key(hex): UK0 =

3.2 Add "0x04" to the head of UK0(two parts together): UK1 =

3.3 SHA-256(UK1): UK2 =

3.4 RIPEMD-160(UK2): UK3 =

3.5 Adding "0x00"(Mainnet) to the head of UK3: UK4 =

3.6 SHA-256(UK4): UK5 =

3.7 SHA-256(UK5): UK6 =

3.8 Checksum(first 8 hexadecimal digits/4 bytes of UK6):

3.9 Add Checksum to the tail of UK4: UK7 =

3.10 Base58 encoding of UK7: Address =

Note: This is just a demo!

Base on BigInteger.js and sjcl.js